From now on, I'm going to do my best to post weekly updates on my pregnancy (if I'm feeling really technical I might even post a weekly bump pic!). Here is my update for this week!
How far along?: 19 1/2 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 pounds
How big is baby? about 9 oz, 6 inches long (as big as a heirloom tomato, whatever that is!)
Sex: BOY!!!
Maternity Clothes: Definitely
Stretch Marks: Not yet, but I am using my cream daily
Sleep: ok....most nights I am awake from 2 -4 a.m though
Best moment this week: Finding out that we can call him "he" instead of "it"
Movement: A little bit every few days
Food Cravings: Apple Juice
Labor Signs?: No, but have started to have Braxton Hicks, mostly in the evening
Belly Button?: Still the same, In
What I miss: Too many things...
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing his precious face!
Words of Wisdom: My dr. said there is no question about swine flu vaccine, GET IT (but he doesn't have any to give....)
Kielbasa Hash Brown Casserole
3 hours ago
We are SOOOOO Excited! (Even Emma!)Love you!