I hope everyone had a wondeful Halloween weekend! We had major plans for the day....watching college football ALL day (I'm talking about from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.), having a few friends over, and giving candy to all of the kids who came by. Wow....things sure do change in a year! Last Halloween Austin and I dressed up as Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson and went to Halloween parties. This year we did not dress up at all, went to bed around 10 p.m., and Tony and Jessica are no longer together....sad day! At least Auburn beat Ole Miss!
So here is my weekly pregnancy update!
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: I have not stepped on the scales this week, so I'm sticking to last week's #....6 pounds
How big is baby? About 10 1/2 ounces, and the length of a banana!
Sex: Boy!
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes...
Stretch Marks: Nope, but am addicted to my preventive creme!
Sleep: Depends on the night. Pretty good this week.
Best moment this week: Getting my hair cut this afternoon, which I am SO looking forward to. My hair will not stop growing!
Movement: I did get a swift punch in my belly yesterday...be nice to Momma!
Food Cravings: Sneaky Pete's Hot Dogs (yummy!!!!)
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button: Still in, but it is getting a little more shallow. I will DIE when/if I get an outie!
What I miss: A lot of thing...
What I'm Looking Forward to: Feeling movement every day
Words of Wisdom (I should change this to weekly gripe):I can't stand people who say to me "Wow, you're really starting to show!". I know that...I look at myself every day in the mirror....I am aware that my clothes are getting tighter and tighter....Why do you people feel the need to call me out even more!!!!!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! My sister and the kids are coming in town for a fun weekend of shopping, and helping me set up my registry. I can't wait!
Kielbasa Hash Brown Casserole
2 hours ago
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