Wow....that was a scary title to type! Only 3 weeks (or less, hopefully not more) until we get to meet our sweet baby! I had an uneventful doc appt. yesterday. No changes since last week. She said she didn't expect me to dialate much more until "real" labor begins, and we could talk about an induction at 39 weeks. However, Austin and I have decided to wait and talk about induction closer to our actual due date, not plan anything as of now. When we decided to start trying to get pregnant, my prayer to God was that it would happen when he knew we were ready. So, my prayer now is that baby boy will come when he is healthy and ready to meet us! Hopefully he wants to see us in the next 2 weeks, but if it's longer that's okay too!
Here is our weekly update!
How far along? 37 weeks and 1 day (this is how miserable I'm getting, counting the actual day!)
Total weight gain: Only up 1/2 pound from last week
How big is baby? weighs around 6 pounds and about 19 inches long
Sex: Boy
Maternity clothes: Yes, and really sick of them. But, at the same time, I am so not ready to wear pants that I actually have to zip and button! All you women who have had babies know what I'm talking about!
Stretch marks: Ugghhh.....yes, around my belly button (if you could only hear the disgust in my voice as I type this). However, my sister is totally right when she said they are worth it for this precious baby! I will completely wear a tankini for the rest of my life, as long as he arrives safely!
Sleep: Crappy....dreamy....and Austin said I'm now a snorer. However, he is thoughtful enough not to wake me up when I'm snoring.
Best moment this week: Knowing that he is now considered full term, and would be healthy if born. Also, with the help of my fabulous mother-in-law, my house is clean, all errands are done, and I have nothing left on my "to-do" list!.....never mind, still need to install the car seat (maybe we'll get that checked off in the next day or two)
Movement: Yes, but he's running out of room!
Food cravings: Sweets and apple juice.
Labor signs: Had tons of contractions Saturday and Sunday, nothing timeable, but now they've stopped. Still dialated at 2 1/2
Belly button: Weird looking. Still in, but the top hangs over, kind of like a little hood.
What I miss: So many things........
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my baby boy!
Words of wisdom: Got nothing....except for the fact that I only have 7 days of work until maternity leave starts!
Weekly gripe: Strangers touching my belly. Weird and very inappropriate!
Also, I want to brag on my hubby for giving me a wonderful "push present"! Due to the fact that this is currently a public blog, I'm keeping it personal (those close to us know what it is!). However, he is the best husband in the world and I'm so thankful for all he does, not only for me, but for our family!!!!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!