Yesterday I went to my 35 week check up. I start going once a week from this point on. Things are still looking great and measuring right on time! Here is our weekly update:
How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: Gained 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks....yuck
How big is baby? He should weigh around 5 pounds according to babycenter
Sex: Boy!
Maternity clothes: Still wearing them and hating them. Only a few more weeks though!
Stretch marks: I think I see one around my belly button, but not quite sure. Can't tell if it's just my skin or an actual stretch mark.....great.
Sleep: Pretty bad. I have very vivid dreams about crazy things!!!!
Best moment this week: Hearing his sweet heartbeat at the doctor! My favorite sound!!!! Also, it was nice to have a 4-day weekend (snow day, President's day). Gotta love that!
Movement: Still lots of it, but it's changing. Fewer definitive kicks, more rolls and pushing-type movement
Food cravings: Fruit, apple juice, and sweets (basically everything!)
Labor signs: I did have a few contractions over the weekend, but they have stopped. I'm going to be such a wimp when the real ones start.....
Belly button: Looking funky, but still in
What I miss: Comfortable sitting/laying positions
What I'm looking forward to: Can't wait for his arrival in a few weeks!
Words of wisdom: If you have any, I need them!
Weekly gripe: People who talk very loudly on cell phones in public places (like the doctor's office). Can't your conversation wait 10 minutes!!!!!!
Doc said next week we will check to see how things are going. I'll post when I know something!
Kielbasa Hash Brown Casserole
1 hour ago
I am totally starting to understand the uncomfortable part!!! You are doing great!! I cannot wait for our Will's to be here!!!!! Call me if you need anythign!!